
JAKARTA - If you have previously read about IP addresses and how to find them on your Android phone or iPhone, now you have to understand dynamic and static IP addresses.

You should be aware that the public IP address and the private IP you find for your phone are not set directly. Your phone's global and local IP addresses show dynamic IP addresses.

This means that after some time or when a device is restarted, that device or your entire network will get a new IP address. Vice versa, a static IP does not change over time like this.

The use of Static IP is usually used for business for companies or government agencies. While Dynamic IP, its IP can change, unlike Static IP.

Dynamic public IPs are easier for your ISP like Comcast or Verizon to manage because they can check them as needed. You can request a static IP from your ISP, for an additional fee.

For private IP addresses, your router will dynamically share them to devices on your network using DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol). In practice, this means when you connect a new device to your home Wi-Fi, you don't have to manually assign an IP address and keep track of everything yourself.

You can specify a static private IP address using the router and settings on various devices if you wish. But be aware, doing it incorrectly can cause problems, such as IP conflicts, etc.

How to Hide Your Phone's IP Address

After finding your current IP and learning that it reveals your location, you may be concerned about the privacy implications of this. If so, one way to obfuscate your public IP is to start using a VPN (Virtual Private Network).

A VPN will mask your IP and can make it difficult for your browsing connection to you or your location. A VPN is an easy way to hide your public IP from most scenarios.

Now that you know, no matter what phone you're using, it's very easy to see your IP address. You can now view your phone's IP address at any time.

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