
JAKARTA - Vidi Aldiano is back undergoing health care regarding his condition. He expressed his anxiety ahead of next month's PET scan schedule which will determine further treatment steps.

"Spa day before receiving the hat-off next month. It's quite anxious with immunity this month, because next month it's already scheduled for another petscan and from there it looks like it will be clearer, whether I can continue treatment or must stop first," said Vidi Aldiano, quoted by VOI from Instagram @vidialiano, Thursday, March 20.

In the middle of the treatment process, Vidi was grateful to have the full support of his mother who always accompanied and prayed for him.

He also asked for prayers from fans so that the treatment would run well.

"Thankfully there is a mother who accompanies and prays always in the middle of treatment. Please pray again and again friends, hopefully there will be good progress in my treatment," he continued.

Taking care in the month of Ramadan, Vidi hopes that the side effects of this treatment will not interfere with his fasting.

"Hopefully, this side effect will not interfere with my fasting this year. Bismillah," he said.

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