
YOGYAKARTA - Cats can also be exposed to skin diseases as well as humans. There are two types of skin diseases that often attack anabul, namely scamies and fungi. Even though they both use skin, there are differences in scabies and fungi in cats.

Scabies and fungi in cats are both contagious skin diseases. But the cause of the two cat skin diseases is different. There are still many cat owners who think that scamies and fungi are the same disease.

Cat lovers definitely don't want their favorite cat to suffer from skin diseases. Therefore, the owner's paint needs to understand the differences between scamies and fungi that attack the cat's skin.

Scabies and fungi in cats are both infectious skin diseases. Transmission can occur from animals to animals to humans or vice versa. But the cause of these two diseases is different.

Scabies' skin disease in cats is caused by a parasitic or mites named Sarcoptes Scabiei. The paradox grows and lays eggs under an anabul skin and causes itching.

Gatal akibat mungau tersebut akan membuat kucing kerap mencegang-kuncak tubuhnya. Akibat terlalu sering menekannya, kulit kucing menjadi terkena infeksi sependari, yakni infeksi bikterinasi dan infeksi baru. Infeksi ini membuat kulit kucing menjadi luka-kalus keropeng.

There are various reasons why cats can get scamps. Scabies is usually contagious when cats are mostly active outside the home. In addition, the key can also suffer from this disease due to infection from other cats. Please watch out, scamies can be transmitted to humans. However, this condition does not reproduce and will recover by itself.

The fungal disease in cats is caused by a group of fungi dermatohythes. This disease is often called the filling of a wormhole ring or dermatohytheosis. The cause of the cat being exposed to skin mold is the opaque virus to dirty soil conditions. This disease is rarely transmitted from cat to human.

Symptoms experienced by cats with scabies are different from those affected by fungi. In general, cats that are infected with scabies will feel itchy when the leg starts to land on their bodies. Usually the cat gets more itching at night.

While cats suffering from fungi usually do not experience itching at the beginning of exposure. Usually cats will feel itchy when mold has been infecting them for a long time, giving rise to ketombe.

Cats with scabies and fungi will scratch itching parts of the body that cause infection. However, skin infections due to scabies are different from infections due to fungi. Cats with fungal sufferers suffer from more subtle infectious wounds and do not cause large coronates. Meanwhile, the scabies cat will suffer violent injuries.

Cats suffering from fungal diseases generally feel itchy in the head, face, and ears. The spreading itching causes the cat's hair to continue to fall out.

It takes a different treatment to cure scabies and fungi. Cats suffering from scabies are not yet severe, they can be treated at home usingmbath. Salep is applied to the cat's body parts that are exposed to mold or feel itchy.

While scabies are in a severe condition that takes a long time to treat. If the condition of the scamies gets worse, the cat needs to be taken for treatment to a veterinarian. Veterinarians will give the drug respe scamies, antibiotics, and antialergies. If conditions are still not getting better, the cat will get a scamies shot.

Cats affected by mold also require treatment from veterinarians, the doctor will examine the type of fungi that infects the cat. The cat owner will be given a prescription for fungal medicine, sometimes in the form of extracts or creams.

That's the difference between scabies and fungi in cats, as well as how to treat them. Cat owners need to keep their cats and the environment clean so that their anabuls are aware of scabies and fungi.

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