
JAKARTA - Cases of alleged sexual harassment by the elderly (elderly) have gone viral on social media. The Head of the Transjakarta Corporate Secretary Division, Anang Rizkani Noor, admitted that he could not confirm the truth of the contents of the viral video that revealed the victim's confession.

"There is no clear information from the alleged victim. So, we can't find the suspected perpetrator yet," said Anang in a short message, Friday, July 29.

Anang said that Transjakarta is currently conducting an investigation by asking for more in-depth information on the alleged sexual harassment case that occurred on the Kalideres-GBK bus route, before then looking for the alleged perpetrator.

"We are still investigating because the information submitted by the person concerned (the victim) is incomplete," said Anang.

As is known, allegations of sexual harassment again occurred in public transportation and this time it was located on one of the TransJakarta buses. Perpetrators take advantage of the momentum of densely packed vehicles to carry out their actions.

The video uploaded to the Instagram account @lensa_berita_jakarta, as reported by Antara, shows the atmosphere inside the TransJakarta bus which is full of passengers.

The camera caught someone's finger playing between the legs of a passenger. By taking advantage of the density of people, the perpetrator used his hand to feel the thigh of another passenger nearby.

"It is suspected that another act of harassment occurred on the TransJakarta Bus route 3F (Kalideres-GBK), Monday, July 25, 2022," wrote @lensa_berita_jakarta as the caption for his upload.

The account also stated that the bus was full and the victim was standing near the bus door.

"Then next to the victim there is an elderly man. Maybe if the bus was crowded, at first, I thought maybe the bus was braking and accidentally 'body contact'," wrote the account.

In the video, the suspect's hand seems to be trying to touch the victim's thigh from behind. But he acted as if he accidentally touched it due to the shaking on the bus and the crowded conditions of the passengers.

The victim then got off at the Senayan Roundabout Stop and immediately reported the alleged sexual harassment experienced to the officers. The perpetrator was also said to have been arrested but he still argued. Meanwhile, the abuse experienced is said to have traumatized the victim.

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