
JAKARTA - Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has appealed to people traveling for Lebaran to return from their hometowns early to avoid overcrowding in the return flow.

"To avoid the density of backflow and to make everyone comfortable on the trip, I appeal to you and my brothers and sisters who are traveling by private vehicle to return early," said the President in a statement related to the backflow of Lebaran which was delivered virtual from Yogyakarta Grand Building, Tuesday 2 May.

The President said that travelers can also return after the peak of the return flow, which is predicted to occur on May 6, 7, and 8, 2022 to avoid traffic congestion.

However, Jokowi said that this option must be adjusted to the permits obtained from their respective workplaces.

The President emphasized that the government will always try to do what is best for the community, including arranging return trips with traffic management, in order to ease congestion.

"The odd-even policy, the one-way or one-way regulation, and the ban on trucks entering toll roads will still be in effect. Everything is done so that people remain comfortable. That's all I can say, thank you," said President Jokowi.

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