
JAKARTA - A number of prospective passengers traveling back and forth complained about the increase in the price of intercity interprovincial bus tickets (AKAP) of up to 100 percent at the Kampung Rambutan Terminal, East Jakarta.

One of the travelers to Lampung, Selvia in Jakarta, Tuesday, April 26, said that she had to spend up to Rp. 350,000 to be able to return to her hometown.

"Bus tickets have increased. Usually they don't reach Rp. 300 thousand, now it is Rp. 350 thousand," said Selvia as quoted by Antara.

Selvia added that she deliberately chose to go home earlier so she could gather with her family in her hometown.

"I'm going home now so I can stay in the village longer. I'm going home alone," said Selvia.

Another prospective homecomer at the Kampung Rambutan Terminal, Suharti, also complained about the increase in AKAP bus ticket prices ahead of this year's Eid.

Suharti, who plans to go home to Purworejo, said that she bought a ticket at a price of Rp. 350 thousand.

"There was an increase in the price from Rp. 150 thousand to Rp. 350 thousand. I had some objections, how come the increase was directly Rp. 200 thousand," said Suharti.

Even though there was an increase in prices, Suharti still bought tickets to be able to go home and celebrate Lebaran this year with her family.

"Because I can only go home again this year," said Suharti.

Meanwhile, Head of the Kampung Rambutan Terminal, Yulza Ramadhoni, said the price of AKAP bus tickets to various cities in Java and Sumatra had increased gradually at the beginning of Ramadan even before the homecoming flow occurred.

"For a gradual increase in tickets from each PO. The closer the day is to the increase," said Yulza Ramadhoni.

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