JAKARTA - Welcoming Eid this year, Aion Indonesia is preparing a homecoming support program for consumers. One of the services offered is the Alert Workshop, operating from March 29 to April 6.
This program aims to ensure consumer comfort and security in enjoying homecoming trips and being able to gather with family without worrying.
Aftersales Aion Indonesia team, Aldi Ruvian said this service would be supported by professional teams including experienced technicians as well as facilitating the mobility of consumers on going home.
"With the presence of Aion Alert Workshops in various regions, we believe this service will facilitate the mobility of consumers who travel back and forth to their hometowns," Aldi said in a statement received on Saturday, March 22.
The service will operate at various strategic points in Indonesia, consisting of Jabodetabek, Bandung, Cirebon, Semarang, Yogyakarta, Surabaya, and Bali.
In the predetermined period, AION car consumers can enjoy comprehensive inspection services on their vehicles, including battery checks, electricity systems, tire pressure, to software updates.
Consumers in the Jabodetabek area can visit Aion PIK dealers at Pantai Indah Kapuk, Aion Halim workshop in East Jakarta, and Aion Cikarang dealer in Bekasi.
For the West Java region, consumers can visit the Aion Soekarno Hatta dealers, Bandung. In addition, consumers who are located or heading to the Central Java area, include Aion Semarang dealers located on Jl. General Sudirman, West Semarang are ready to provide their best service, then Yogyakarta, and Aion Bantul dealers.
Then, this service is available in East Java and Bali, by visiting Aion Jemursari located in Surabaya and Aion Bali with the address Jl. By Pass Ngurah Rai, Kedonganan.
This service can also be obtained through the Aion application which can be downloaded through the Google Play Store and Apple App Store by providing various needs and information related to spare parts to reminders for car maintenance schedules.
The company also provides 24-hour Emergency Roadside Assistance by contacting via 021-305 8888 and WhatsApp Chatbot Aion at 0851 8605 7870.
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