
YOGYAKARTA The effect of mixing pertalite and Pertamax is not widely known by the public. Even though the impact will affect the machine and the driving experience. This article will provide an explanation regarding the mixing of the two types of fuel.

Mixing two pertalite and Pertamax fuels is often done on purpose or not. For example, mixing is carried out by rogue retail traders to reap more profits.

Pertalite and Pertamax mixing unconsciously also often occurs due to negligence in vehicle owners. For example, luxury vehicles that should be filled with Pertamax are filled with pertalite, even though usually the vehicle is filled with Pertamax.

Whether intentionally or not, the use of alternating fuel will have a bad effect on vehicles, namely as follows.

It should be noted that Pertamax has a higher octane than pertalite. When both are mixed, the quality of fuel will be very poor. The decline in the quality of mixed fuel will make engine performance not optimal.

Fuel consumption in vehicles will be very large because it consumes a mixture of Pertamax and Pertalite fuel. This happened because of a decrease in fuel efficiency due to the mixing of the two fuels.

It is not recommended to mix Pertamax with pertalite in the long term because it will potentially cause crust in the piston, around the klept umbrella, and cylinders. Kerak will cause other problems if it is not diligently cleaned.

Please note that not all cars can be filled with pertalite. Some types of vehicles have to consume pertalite type fuel to maximize engine performance. If the vehicle engine is forced to consume pertalite, it will have an impact on engine failure.

For example, the mixing of the two fuels will trigger the instability of the car engine which has the tail of the engine knockout. This condition can be in the form of noisy and rude sounds from inside the engine.

If a vehicle is forced to consume Pertamax and pertalite mixed fuel, there will be the potential for overheating or excess heat. This condition occurs because the engine works hard to burn pertalite. The long-term impact of this condition will cause the vehicle to strike or die completely.

The engine that burns the mixture of Pertamax fuel and pertalite will produce larger emissions that have an impact on pollution. This happens because of the decrease in fuel burning efficiency so that the engine will produce thick exhaust smoke.

Have you ever felt that you had stepped on the gas pedal but the engine was still weak? This condition can be caused by the effect of fuel mixing. The mixing of Pertamax and pertalite makes the engine's performance decrease so that the resulting strength becomes less.

A series of engine problems that arise due to the mixing of Pertamax and Pertalite in the long term will shorten the age of the vehicle. Cars or motorbikes are often jammed and require extra maintenance. Therefore it is not recommended to fill vehicles with fuel mixtures.

Those are some of the effects of mixing pertalite and pertamax. Visit VOI.ID to get more interesting information.

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