JAKARTA - President Jokowi invited the governors of 34 provinces and a number of officials to the Capital of the Archipelago (IKN) in East Kalimantan. This is what's interesting. The governors who came were not just ceremonial but also brought land and water from their respective regions. The land and water were then united.
According to President Jokowi, this unification is a symbol of Indonesia's diversity. In addition, it is also a symbol of the close unity of the entire Indonesian nation. It is a form of strong diversity and unity in the context of building the Capital of the Archipelago. "Collaboration between the central government, regional governments, the National Armed Forces (TNI), National Police (Polri), the private sector, and the entire community in supporting the development of the nation's capital city will be very helpful so that what we aspire to can be realized soon," said Jokowi as published on the president's official website.
Visually, it is interesting. The governors also brought the land and water of choice. DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan, for example. He brought the land of the Aquarium Village. A village in DKI that often floods and was evicted during the era of Governor Basuki Tjahaja Purnama or Ahok. On his Instagram account, @aniesbaswedan, Anies hopes that the land from the Aquarium Village brings hope that the construction of this new city which will become the capital city should not marginalize the poor and will actually bring progress and happiness to all, especially the common people.
![President Jokowi sits in front of the tent where he is staying at the zero point of the IKN. (Photo source: State Secretariat)](/storage/publishers/147720/body_image_2022032107-1.jpeg)
Meanwhile, the Governor of Central Java, Ganjar Pranowo, is even more philosophical. Through a tweet from his social media account, Ganjar said that the land taken came from Mount Tidar, Magelang. "For land, I took from the center of Java, namely Mount Tidar Magelang. This is where the dangers that threaten Java are conquered," he wrote.
The reason for bringing the soil from Mount Tidar, Ganjar hopes, can maintain balance. Because at that location there is a tattoo of Syaech Subakir which is plugged in to maintain balance. "His Rajah, tomb, and weapons are buried there and we can find them to this day," he explained. Meanwhile, the water was taken from two springs on Mount Lawu. until now. His name is Bancolono Hermitage. Near the hermitage, there are two springs, namely Sendang Lanang and Sendang Wedok," continued Ganjar.
After the water and land from 34 provinces were combined, the president and the governor in Kalimantan province stayed overnight in a tent. Several ministers and state officials were also seen. At the zero point of the IKN development, apart from a meeting with a number of state officials, the photo on his official Facebook account also included President Jokowi wearing a sarong sitting pensively in front of the tent.
Regarding the ceremony carried out by President Jokowi, the community suddenly split. There are those who support it as a symbol of unity. Not a few are sarcastic. Some say that in the digital era, President Jokowi is actually practicing occult practices.
Whatever it is, believe it or not, the ceremony can be done in any way. As a symbol, well that's fine. Even if you welcome the guest of honor, in a different form as a symbol of respect, it is sometimes done with a dance. Or the inauguration of the building held a ribbon-cutting event. In the Javanese traditional marriage ceremony, there is a stamping egg ceremony as the hope of obtaining offspring, a symbol of keeping a family that is tightly closed and must be maintained. Besides being a symbol of the chastity of a woman.
In a small scope, yet in this digital era, there are still many who do the tradition of cutting the cone. No one protested. Also, the symbol of the unification of land and water from all over Indonesia is very good. It symbolizes diversity, unity, and oneness. It is possible, decades in the future, if you come to IKN, your children and grandchildren or even great-grandchildren will remember even though in Kalimantan that the zero point of IKN is land and water from all provinces in the country. Something that can foster a sense of closeness and pride.
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