
JAKARTA - Indonesian independence does not only have a mere spirit. All natives took part in the struggle against the invaders. They sacrificed everything. From life to property. Soekarno-Hatta's personal doctor, R. Suharto, let alone.

He seemed to "waive" himself to an independent Indonesia. In fact, he was willing to leave his comfortable life as a general practitioner with abundant income during the colonial period. At its peak, he awarded his favorite sedan, Oldsmobile (possibly F-Series) to Bung Karno.

Living under the shackles of colonialism is nestapa. Every native people feel it. They cannot live in peace. From the priyayi level to the commoners. This does not include the racism treatment that must be accepted by the bumiputras. They are often aligned with livestock when riding mass transportation train or tram.

This fact made all the bumiputras angry. The flames of independence played everywhere. A series of freedom fighters began to openly influence the natives to move against colonialism. Even though prisons, exiles, or being killed are threats.

The flames of independence were even more visible when the Japanese colonialists were present to replace the Dutch colonialists in 1942. Independence fighters were given room to sing independence. They invited national figures to collaborate into the organization formed by Japan, the People's Center for People's Energy (Putera), then Jawa Hokokai.

A series of bumiputras took advantage of that position correctly. Instead of working heavily for the benefit of Japan, national figures actually worked to achieve independence. As a result, there was a desire to hold sawerans for the Fonds of Independence, which was intended to fund Indonesia's preparations as an independent country as promised by PM Kuniaki Koiso in September 1944.

Therefore, all the bumiputras can participate in donating everything for Indonesia's independence. Some contributed money, jewelry, to other assets. The presence of the Independence Fonds then became proof that Indonesia's independence was not just a spirit.

"For this reason, Java Hokokai has determined to hold War and Independence Fonds on February 6, 1945 and regulate the price of objects donated by the Javanese population to achieve victory in this war and to the basis of Indonesian independence. The property will be used for the defense of the country, help and lead the population, strengthen the warforce, and uphold the basis of independence," wrote Kan Po Magazine report, March 10, 1945.

The struggle in a saweran way brought fresh air to the struggle of the bumiputras. The donation funds were able to be used optimally for Indonesia's independence. The funds were also used to prepare the proclamation of Indonesian independence and spread the news of independence throughout the country.

The struggle to raise funds from all over Indonesia continued until Indonesia entered the phase of the revolutionary war (1942-1949). Everyone wants to devote themselves to the nation and state, including personal doctors Soekarno and Hatta, R. Suharto.

He is the same as other freedom fighters who want to sacrifice everything for the sake of the homeland and the nation. He never calculated with the Indonesian government from before and after independence.

At that time he dared to leave his comfort zone as a doctor with sufficient time to support Soekarno and Hatta's agenda. He even gave up his favorite sedan, Oldsmobile, to give to Bung Karno.

R. Suharto handed over his car as a gift for daily use by the 1st Indonesian President, in addition to using his official car. Even though the car was badly damaged, it was attacked by the Dutch East Indies Civil Government (NICA).

In the revolution of Indonesian independence since the beginning (17 August 1945) R. Suharto as the son of Indonesia has participated in actively fighting, including the sacrifice of his property. Even the car he used at that time was handed over to President Soekarno. At any time, Bung Karno needed his energy, R. Suharto was always ready.

I still remember an incident that remains a memento for myself and my best friend R. Suharto. This incident occurred about a week before President Soekarno and his friends moved to Yogyakarya (1946). At that time President Suharto came to R. Suharto's house on Jalan Kramat Raya No. 128. The car he was traveling in (a car giving R. Suharto) was attacked/trapped by a mixed NICA army, in front of R. Suharto's house, "said Thotib Sher's testimony regarding R. Suharto in the book Historical Witness (1988).

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