
JAKARTA - The importance of meteorological observations (cuaca), climatology (Iklim), and geophysics (earthquakes and tsunamis) is second to none. The Dutch colonialists agreed. The owner of the power believes meteorological institutions are able to bring convenience.

However, since the Japanese occupation until Indonesia's independence, the presence of meteorological institutions (now: BMKG) has not developed much. President Megawati Soekarnoputri broke it down. He turned BMKG into an important institution in the archipelago.

The colonial government of the Dutch East Indies initially did not realize the importance of weather and climate observations. They considered that without it, life in the Dutch East Indies remained fine. That view did not last long.

Head of Bogor Hospital, Pieter Loth Onnen changed everything. He pioneered weather and climate observations independently. Even though it was later financed by the government. At that time, he thought his observations could affect human health.

Onnen's observations were also able to make the Dutch aware of the importance of the observation and analysis'' - resulting in weather forecasts for trade traffic from the Dutch East Indies. The owner of the power was moved because he smelled the benefits of the large contribution of weather and climate observations.

They decided to establish an institution in 1866. Magnetisch en Meteorologicalsch Observatory (Observatorium Magnetics and Meteorology), his name. The institution is centered in Batavia and is led by Pieter Adriaan Bergsma.

The progress of observations is growing rapidly. However, this did not continue when Japan took power in the archipelago. There were not many developments or innovations made by the meteorological institution. During the era of Indonesia's independence, let alone. Meteorological institutions cannot stand alone and are often 'pongd' to be part of various ministries.

In 1955 the Javangan Meteorologi dan Geophysics was renamed the Meteorology and Geophysics Institute under the Department of Transportation, and in 1960 it was renamed Jawatan Meteorologi dan Geophysics under the Department of Civil Aviation. In 1965, its name was changed to the Directorate of Meteorology and Geophysics, its position remains under the Department of Civil Aviation.

"In 1972, the Directorate of Meteorology and Geophysics was renamed the Center for Meteorology and Geophysics, an echelon II-level agency under the Department of Transportation, and in 1980 its status was raised to an echelon I-level agency with the name Meteorology and Geophysics Agency, with the position still under the Department of Transportation," said Ahmad Junaidi Astroophotography (2021).

The condition of the meteorological institution, which was later known as the Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG), changed during Megawati Soekarnoputri's time to become President of the Republic of Indonesia. The first female president of Indonesia has special attention to the BMKG. He no longer wants BMKG to be accompanied by various ministries. According to him, BMKG is worthy of being used as a Non- Department Government Institution.

He considers BMKG to have a central influence on the growth and development of the Indonesian nation. Mainly the state's vigilance against the presence of disaster reinforcements. This is because BMKG can provide information on early warning of weather, climate, earthquakes, and tsunamis quickly and accurately.

In fact, observations related to the contribution of the BMKG have been made by Megawati since becoming Vice President. at that time, he got an assignment from President Abdurrahman Wahid (Gus Dur) to monitor disaster matters.

There, Megawati often wondered why important institutions such as BMKG should be under the ministry. Moreover, BMKG is under the Ministry of Transportation. For him, the presence of BMKG is part of the Ministry of Transportation.

He also wanted to modernize BMKG. He accepted all kinds of inputs and criticisms. Megawati made a new change when replacing Gus Dur as President of Indonesia. he made a breakthrough. He issued two Presidential Decrees (Keppres): Presidential Decree number 46 and number 48 of 2002.

The Presidential Decree is an important milestone for BMKG. This is because BMKG has been changed to a Non- Department Government Institution. This means that BMKG is no longer under the Sub-Directorate of the Ministry of Transportation.

Recently, Megawati's courage to issue Presidential Decree was appreciated by many parties. Even from the BMKG itself. BMKG appointed Megawati as the Pioneer Figure for Strengthening Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysics in 2019.

First, that the Meteorology and Geophysics Agency has a strategic role in supporting government and development activities so that it needs to be changed to a Non- Department Government Institution.

"Second, in connection with this in letter A, it is deemed necessary to perfect Presidential Decree No. 110 of 2001 concerning Organizational Units and Duties of Echelon I Non- Departmental Government Institutions as amended by Presidential Decree No. 5 of 2002," it was written in Presidential Decree No. 48 of 2002.

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