
JAKARTA - World Cancer Day which is celebrated every February 4 is a reminder that this disease should not be underestimated. Therefore, the theme for World Cancer Day 2022 is entitled Close The Care Gap with the aim of eliminating gaps in society related to the treatment of cancer cases.

According to data from the Global Burden of Cancer Study (Globocan), an online data center that provides global cancer statistics from 185 countries covering 36 types of cancer, in 2020 there will be an increase in cases of sufferers by 19.2 million. The death rate from cancer also increased by 9.9 million people.

Of the total 19.2 million new cases, most were dominated by breast cancer, namely 2.3 million new cases with 680 thousand deaths. In Indonesia throughout 2020 there were 396,914 new cancer cases with a total death toll of 234,511.

Linda Agum Gumelar, there are many obstacles to overcome the problem of cancer in Indonesia. (Photo: Doc. YKPI)

Of that number, 66,000 new cases were breast cancer with a total mortality of 22 thousand cases. This poor statistic is due to 70 percent of patients being late for treatment, and only realizing they have cancer after reaching an advanced stage.

"This condition can occur due to various things, whether due to delays in treatment from the patient side, or delays from service providers, for example from the side of medical personnel, facilities and infrastructure," said Linda Agum Gumelar, Chair of the Indonesian Breast Cancer Foundation (YKPI) in a release received VOI.

Cancer Can Affect All Ages

Cancer is a very serious health problem in Indonesia. The reason is none other than because cancer can attack humans at all ages, from children to old age. Seeing this fact, according to Linda, early detection is the key to achieving cure for cancer sufferers.

"Prevention must be carried out from the start by carrying out early detection. Then do prevention by eliminating risk factors, "said Linda added.

According to the chairman of the Indonesian Cancer Foundation, Aru Wicaksono Sudoyo, the main trigger for cancer is an unhealthy environment. The environmental factors referred to by the internal medicine specialist and the medical oncology hematology subspecialist are: food and drink, air, and living habits.

Aru Wicaksono added another trigger factor, namely genetics. But according to him genetic factors only about 10 percent of the cause of cancer. Environmental factors are much more dominant, even reaching 95 percent as a trigger for cancer.

Consumption of healthy food is one way to prevent cancer. (Photo: Pixabay)

The Acting Director for the Prevention and Control of Non-Communicable Diseases at the Ministry of Health, Elvieda Sariwati, added that cultural and economic aspects are also obstacles in handling cancer cases in Indonesia.

“Cultural and financing aspects are challenges in dealing with cancer in Indonesia. However, there are still other challenges that we must face, namely public awareness about the lack of knowledge about cancer, as well as feelings of fear and even shame to go through the examination, "said Elveida.

“The earlier cancer cases are detected, the more therapeutic options there are. It makes the chance of recovery even greater, besides of course saving costs, "said Elveida added.

Indonesia must fight harder to fight cancer. According to data from the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), by 2040 there will be an increase in the number of cancer cases by 30 million. Most cases will occur in low- and middle-income countries. While it is World Cancer Day, Indonesia should immediately clean up.

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