
JAKARTA - Mariani Oelong continued her steps closer to the EP Berimaginating. After releasing All Rasa Kita Pelihara, this soloist returns with the second track entitled Don't Play.

If on the previous track he displayed a central side, this time Mariani brought a more reflective feel, but with simpler lyrics. This song raises the theme of uncertainty in relationships that are often troubling.

Mariani wants to bring the listeners to explore the disappointment and sadness that is often present in the love story. On the mini album later, Mariani Oelong admits that she wants to embed various feelings.

"I want to invite listeners to feel the broad spectrum of emotions, from happiness to sadness that is difficult to express. Don't play play is part of that journey, explore feelings that we may have experienced, but it is difficult for us to understand, especially in matters of the heart to things that are uncertain," explained Mariani Oelong in a written statement on March 24.

In her creative process, Mariani wrote her own lyrics and songs. But she also collaborated with Vinson Vivaldi as producer and composer, and vocal director by Kamga Mo. Mixing and mastering is handled by Michael Septian at Roemah Iponk Music Studio.

With the release Don't Play, Mariani further strengthens her identity as a musician who not only presents a beautiful melody but also an authentic emotional experience for listeners. The EP ImAGEs are scheduled for release in May 2025 and will be a work that summarizes taste and imagination.

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