
JAKARTA - Behind the sparkling K-Pop industry, there are various controversies and problems that are not seen by fans. One of them is related to lies that are often done by the K-Pop agency.

Former Momoland member Daisy revealed several fakes she had experienced and witnessed as a former idol. He shared it in a video uploaded on TikTok on March 20 yesterday.

The first strange lie he leaked was about signatures. He tries to understand this because the process of signing an album or photocard will take a lot of time.

"Usually idols have to sign a lot of albums at one time, up to 300 copies. Although not all of them do, some of them use tools to make the process faster," he explained.

The second lie according to Daisy is about the reasons behind the hiatus of one or all group members. Daisy also shared her experience when she was still a girl group member.

"I don't know why the agency often lies about the reasons for an idol's status. I was once asked to admit to being hiatus due to mental health problems, and I refused. Finally, in the article that came out, I was vacuumed for personal reasons," said Daisy.

And the last lie he told in his video was about appearing on a music show. So far, many think that the performance at the music show is performed live, because fans can hear the vocals of natural members with breaths or sound cheated.

"They usually do recordings in the agency's previous studio, or voice recordings on TV stations. Surprisingly, they told us to sing while making moves during the recording as if it was done while dancing," said the 26-year-old idol.

Since she is no longer a K-Pop idol, Daisy has often shared stories about her experiences on TikTok. Fans are happy because they have a direct point of view about the good and bad of the K-Pop industry, which from the outside looks perfect.

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