
The dispute related to royalties for performing rights culminating in the decision of the Central Jakarta Commercial Court which found Agnez Mo guilty of Ari Bias' lawsuit made many singers feel scared.

Dira Sugandi as a singer who is a member of the Indonesian Voice Vibration (VISION) admitted that his understanding so far regarding licenses (license) and royalties payments related to performing rights were carried out by event organizers.

"So far I have also been one of the singers who are confused too. Because so far, - at that time we discussed it internally - if you say the singer is a guest star, what must be underlined is the word 'guest'. If we fill the event, we will be guests," said Dira when met after a VISI press conference at SCBD, South Jakarta, Wednesday, March 19.

"Actually, we don't know anything. So, if there is something related to things that must be paid outside of our fee, it's actually the responsibility of the inviteer or event organizer. It's like that," he continued.

Dira said that he strongly supports justice for all music actors, especially related to the welfare of songwriters. However, he hopes that all will follow the applicable rules, by referring to Law No. 28 of 2014 concerning Copyright (UUHC) and its derivative regulations.

"Actually, we want it, who doesn't want it, that's our friends too. We also want everything to be prosperous, not just singers, we just want the law to regulate it, because if we do it individually, we will be confused, what are the standards, what are the rules," he said.

The Sundanese singer said that the fear among the singers was real. Not only those who are members of the VUSI, he also said that fear reaches the singers who still appear from one cafe to another.

"Because there are a lot of singers, there are cafe singers, singers or friends on the streets, there are a lot of them. The singers are not big names, they are also nervous, they also tell us," said Dira. Because it turns out that there is a talk that even the cafe singer whose fee reaches 10 million has also been hit. Even though what they said was that the fee of 10 million was for the same fame of the band. In the cafe, how many people got it. That's why it's a pity too.

From Dira's own case, fear of legal uncertainty related to royalties has an impact on doubts about implementing the planned release of a new album. Although VISI has requested a judicial review of UUHC to the Constitutional Court (MK), he feels there is no certainty that he can really protect him as a singer.

Earlier I wanted to make an album this year, then it's like 'Oh, what's this, the law is not clear.' Yes, I'm confused... For example, let's say the Constitutional Court's decision is issued, the law (interpretation) is replaced, so how about it? It's not clear, right. So, now a rich singer has been hit back and forth," he said.

Dira continued, Tadi also talked to Teh Dewi (Gita), there are songs he has not released in the end, it is stuck, because the songwriter is in an association that is still demanding changes to the law. It's confusing.

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