
JAKARTA - Indie-alternative music unit, Fontaines DC spoke about their nominations at the Grammys. Losing to the caliber band The Rolling Stones, they admitted that they were a bit disappointed.

That they conveyed in an interview with La Bestia Radio recently. They joke if they lose because they are less senior in the music industry.

The band from Dublin, Ireland is indeed fairly young. They started their career in 2014 and released their first album, Dogrel five years later (2019).

Fontaines DC fights in the Best Rock Album category through their release, Romance. Carlos O'Connell competes with IDLES, Green Day, Jack White, Pearl Jam's, The Black Crowes' and Rolling Stones.

Piala akhirnya jatuh pada Mick Jagger Cs dengan rilisan album mereka pada 2024 lalu berjudul 'Hackney Diamonds'.

"They are a great band. A little upset but at the same time, they are The Rolling Stones,"word O'Connell guitarist Fontaines DC quoted NME as saying on March 19.

"I think we have to be 40 years old to get the Grammys," he joked.

According to several netizens, Fontaines DC's Romance album deserves to be the winner. Despite the very high prestige of competitors, the quality of the album has extraordinary appeal.

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