
JAKARTA - Rhoma Irama is back with a song full of messages for the people of Indonesia. Recently, the King of Dangdut released a single entitled Peaceful Election.

Through his Instagram account, Rhoma Irama reported the news of the release of his latest single.

"The latest #PemiluDamai angle you can see on the YouTube channel @lemoesiekrevole," wrote Rhoma Irama, seen Tuesday, November 14.

Towards the political year in 2024, Rhoma Irama through the lyrics of the song invites to enliven and succeed in general elections (elections).

He also invited the public to maintain brotherhood and unity in the midst of differences in political views about who would be elected in the election.

Furthermore, the singer with the full name Raden Haji Oma Irama also reminded not to get involved in money politics and bribery-bribery behavior.

Meanwhile, the video clip for the Peaceful Election from Rhoma Irama can be seen through the YouTube platform.

In the video clip, describe various political processes that occurred in the general election.

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