
JAKARTA - Zulkifli or better known as Zul Zivilia will be questioned by the Directorate of Drug Crimes at the National Police Criminal Investigation Unit regarding the drug kingpin case with the international network, Fredy Pratama.

"Yes, that's right (Zul Zivilia will be questioned regarding Fredy Pratama)," said Director of Narcotics Crime at the National Police Criminal Investigation Agency Brigadier General Mukti Juharsa when confirmed, Tuesday, October 3.

Without informing when the inspection was carried out. Mukti said that his party would immediately coordinate with the prison where Zul was languishing.

"In the near future, because of coordination with prisons, yes," said Mukti.

Furthermore, Mukti said that Zul Zivilia was being investigated for his relationship with a drug dealer named Rian. Meanwhile, Rian is said to have bought the illicit goods from Fredy Pratama

"In the past, Zul bought it from Rian (R). Rian was included in the purchase of Fredy Pratamael's network. That's why we want BAP first," said Mukti.

Meanwhile, Zul had to quit his musical activities with Zivilia because of the drug case that ensnared him in 2019. He was sentenced to 18 years in prison.

Currently, Zul is being held at the Class II A Narcotics Prison in Gunung Sindur, Bogor, West Java.

Despite being in prison, Zul is known to be still music. The Zivilian vocalist often appears to entertain inmates in prisons. Some time ago, Zul also appeared in an event that was held outside the prison.

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