JAKARTA - Taylor Swift revealed details of the back cover and song Vault for her upcoming 1989 album (Taylor's Version).
This was done after the pop star shared a video of a 'tempter' in connection with the 1989 album re-record before the next post confirming the title of the songs.
Swift is also working with Google to create a puzzle that will uncover the traces of the safe as soon as 33 million puzzles are solved.
The singers last month confirmed that the 1989 album (Taylor's Version) will be released on October 27, 2023, which is the ninth birthday of the original 2014 album.
As for the new post that reveals the songs, Swift wrote: This is a new soundtrack, adding: This is the back cover and title of the song Vault for 1989 (my version)."
"I can't wait for this one to come out, seriously. Thank you for playing, investigating, creating puzzles, and making this disclosure much more fun (which is the best kind of pleasure)."
You can see the post here:
Five songs Vault from 1989 (Taylor's Version) are as follows:
Is It Over Now? Now That We Don't TalkSay Don't Go Suburban Legends!
So far, Swift has released Fearless (Taylor's Version), Red (Taylor's Version) and most recently Speak Now (Taylor's Version). This re-recording project will allow the star to regain ownership of its first six studio albums, which cover 2006 self-titile to Reputation (2017).
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