
JAKARTA - Doadibadai Hollo alias Badai ex Kerispatih revealed his communication with the finalists of America's Got Talent (AGT) 2023, Princess Ariani.

Through her Instagram account, Badai displayed a screenshot of the direct message (DM) from Putri Ariani who asked permission to sing her song.

"At night, uncle storm, the princess wants to ask permission, the fragile song can be uploaded on the women's YouTube, the princess really likes the song created by om hurricane, really bad," wrote Princess Ariani in her message to Badai, seen Tuesday, September 12.

Badai pun menilai apa yang dilakukan Putri sebelum menyanyikan dan mengunggah lagu bucipnya sebagai cara yang benar.

He said Putri had carried out ethics in the use of copyright.

"@arianinismaputri has also carried out what is called ethics in the use of copyright related to the interests of digitization, for example Youtube," wrote Badai in his uploaded statement.

Sebuah lagu saya untuk @agnezmo di 2009, "RAPUH" yang sangat menginspirasinya, lanjutnya.

Badai menyebut Putri Ariani sebagai contoh dari penyanyi yang menghargai seorang pemutusan lagu. Ia meminta orang lain juga bisa melakukan hal yang serupa.

This should be more imitated and implemented on a larger scale. Namely how ecosystem balancing can be maintained. Don't just talk about REGULATION without TRANSPARENCY. Don't just be NORMATIVE but not SOLUSIVE," said Badai.

"Thank you to those of you who always appreciate someone's creation whatever it is (not just songs and music)," he added.

In another upload, Badai also highlighted the U2 permit to Putri Ariani who sang the song I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For on the 2023 AGT Semifinals Live Show.

This is what is called exclusivity in the hands of the Creator or Owner of Cipta Karya. Where the use of songs in public areas must have a good control function. Thus, the balanced ecosystem and law enforcement run logically and synergically for all purposes. Not just use it first, the business lately. Upss," said Badai ex Kerispatih.

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