
JAKARTA - Ed Sheeran expressed his thoughts about the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in music. He called the technology "strange".

Singer and songwriter Sheeran spoke about AI in an interview with Audacy, which took place at the Hard Rock Hotel in New York City, recently.

Towards the end of the conversation, Sheeran was asked if he had ever seen one of the music-oriented AI projects that became increasingly popular on social media.

What I don't understand about AI is, over the last 60 years, Hollywood films have told you, 'Don't do that'. And now everyone is doing it,' he replied.

'And I was like, 'Did you not see the movie where they killed us all?' Sheeran continued.

"Also, I don't know why you need it if you take jobs from humans, I think it might be a bad thing."

The point of society is that we all do work. If everything is done by a robot, everyone will lose their jobs. I just found AI a little strange. But ChatGPT... why not? "

Later, Sheeran said that he had a teddy bear from the 2001 film Steven Spielberg, AM Artificial Intelligence in his collection of film props.

I watched it a few days ago and I was like, 'Look! Spielberg and [Stanley] Kubrick have tried to tell us something,' he concluded.

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