
JAKARTA - Paul Partohap, singer and songwriter, released EP (mini album) PS I LOVE YOU.

EP keduanya ini berisi empat lagu yang semuanya berjudul PS I LOVE YOU namun dikemas kembali dalam berbagai versi. Lagu originalnya sendiri dirilis pada tahun lalu yang sudah didengar lebih dari 84 juta kali di spotify.

This EP means a lot to me. In addition to celebrating the 1 year anniversary of the song PS I LOVE YOU, which has brought my musical career to a point that I never imagined before, at this EP I got the opportunity to collaborate with Yuna, which is a dream come true for me. I also performed PS I LOVE YOU with a live format assisted by a live choir, "he said in an official statement.

This EP was co-produced by Warner Music Indonesia and Arseri Music. Contains the original songs PS I LOVE YOU, PS I LOVE YOU speed up version with Feed Up Nightcore, PS I LOVE YOU live version, and PS I LOVE YOU featuring Yuna.

Paul did not arbitrarily choose collaboration partners. To note, Yuna is a well-known musician from Malaysia who has gone international. His works have also been recognized by well-known media such as MTV, Rolling Stone, and Billboard.

In the song version with Yuna, he explained, the production of the song was carried out across the continent. Because Paul lives in Germany while Yuna is in the United States. Distance, he said again, is not a significant obstacle.

"Skill Yuna as songwriter, performer, and also a self-produced artist no longer need to doubt. I gave him the freedom to interpret hisverse and thank God it translates well. I'm really proud of how the song finally turns out," he said.

On the same occasion, Paul Partohap together with Arseri Creative House held a press screening for a short film entitled LOVERs PLAYBOOK which was made based on the same title EP. The directors of short films are Aco Tenriyagelli with the main characters Dwi Sasono and Sigi Wimala.

Previously Paul released the song HOME IS WHO YOU ARE in May 2023. This song and EP PS I LOVE YOU became the opening of a series of Paul's works throughout 2023.

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