
Musician Ananda Sukarlan held a music mass and workshop for musicians and students majoring in music arts in Ambon City, Maluku.

"The music mass activity is divided into four classes according to the category of musical instruments and is open to the public as well as students of the Faculty of Christian Religious Arts (FSKK) of the Ambon State Christian Institute (IAKN)," Ananda Sukarlan said in Ambon, Sunday.

He said this masterclas activity offers various opportunities for students and music lovers to study and interact together.

"Even though it was only held for one day, it is hoped that it will increase the interest and quality of young musicians in Ambon City in studying music arts," he said as quoted by Antara.

On the occasion of Ananda Sukarlan's visit to Ambon City during the 2023 Raspsodia Nusantara concert series, a talk show was held, a classical music concert with the G20 orchestra, and a masterclass centered at the Ambon IAKN Auditorium.

IAKN Ambon Chancellor Yance Rumahuru hopes that the presence of maestro Ananda Sukarlan will provide inspiration and motivation for the younger generation and lovers of music and literature in Ambon.

This activity offers various opportunities for students and music lovers to learn and interact with Ananda Sukarlan, who has achieved international achievements as a pianist and composer.

"The presence of musician Ananda Sukarlan is an honor for IAKN Ambon, which is the only university in Maluku that has Formal Music Education. It is hoped that more people will be interested and inspired to develop musical and artistic talent in Maluku," he said.

Sementara itu Koordinator Pokja Apresiasi dan Literasi Musik Direktorat Perfilman Musik dan Media Ditjen Kemendikbud Ristek Edi Irawan menambahkan, program Rapsodia Nusantara merupakan inisiat Ananda Sukarlan dan sangat direspon Kementerian.

"This series of activities is carried out for the sustainability of Ambon as a world music city, because activities like this are needed with the aim of placing Indonesian music in line with international music, through a classic musical approach," he said.

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