
JAKARTA - The presence of 11 Collective Management Institutions (LMK) that are closely related to the governance of the use of song royalties and / music in Indonesia can create a healthy competition climate so that it boils down to the satisfaction of creators, singers, and producers of their rights.

"In overseas there are only two or three of these kinds of institutions. Each LMK takes care of creators, singers, and producers so that it is easier. Meanwhile, here, we have 11 higher complexity LMKs. The positive side is to let them compete in a healthy manner," said a member of the LMK Supervisory Board and the National Collective Management Institute (LMKN) Candra Darusman in Jakarta, Thursday, quoted by Antara.

Candra, a musician in the 1980s, said supervisors had visited all LMKs and provided a number of assessments that had been submitted to the minister.

"Our findings are that there are still various LMKs that are not efficient and some are efficient. We also ask for audit reports to be uploaded to the Directorate General of Intellectual Property website so that all parties can see who is efficient, who is not," said Candra.

On the other hand, Candra considers that the LMKN commissioner for this period has shown his sincere intention to bring changes to royalty governance as part of improving the country.

Meanwhile, regarding the user's obligation to pay song and/music royalties, the Commissioner of LMKN Rights Regarding Johnny Maukar said that so far the government has helped carry out socialization repeatedly even though there are still parties who have not fulfilled this.

"In addition to socialization, we really should have law enforcement from laws and regulations that are already very complete. So, if the law already regulates who users must pay, yes, it must be done. In addition, there must be regulations that regulate the industry so that it is under one ministry coordination," said Johnny.

Johnny gave an example if the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy has a ministerial-level regulation that requires royalty payments for licensing, then the problem of non-compliance with the obligation to pay will be resolved immediately.

"Or for example, the police stated that the crowd permit can only be issued if there are recommendations to make initial efforts to pay royalties, yes, that's enough with that recommendation. Promotors or event organizers will definitely make license agreements and pay royalties. So, locked in that regulation alone, all hotels, cafes, restaurants and others will pay," Johnny explained.

If the regulations can be realized, Johnny continued, the royalties 'cake' will be very large.

"This must be discussed further by all parties together to discuss what the stages and roadmaps (roadmaps) will be like," said Johnny.

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