
JAKARTA - Sons Of Apollo guitarist Ron "Bumblefoot" Thal is working on his latest solo album. The plan, this album will be present this summer.

So far, Bumblefoot has not revealed its title. However, he said, the album will contain songs that are all intumental formats, aka completely without vocals.

"Yes (I'm working on a new album)," Bumblefoot told VOI when asked when his latest solo album would come.

"My first album was released in 1995, The Adventures Of Bumblefoot through Shrapnel Records, it was an instrumental album. Since then, all my albums have vocals, with just a few instrumental songs," the former Guns N 'Roses guitarist explained.

"Sekarang saya sedang menyelesaikan album baru yang semuanya lagu instrumental."

Guitarist who recently collaborated with Andra Ramadhan and Ahmad Dhani from Dewa 19 with the single Love Is Blind said that his new album will present some extraordinary guest musicians.

But, again, this humble man does not want to reveal the names of the musicians in question.

"I hope to release it this summer, if possible," concluded Ron.

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