
JAKARTA - Rogers Waters Concert in Frankfurt, Germany was canceled after the city council described Pink Floyd's personnel as "one of the world's most famous antisemites".

The concert was scheduled for May 28 in Festhalle in Frankfurt, where it belongs to the public. But the city government announced that the show would be canceled due to the musician's views on Israel.

According to the Israeli newspaper Haaretz, the cancellation notice relates to the Waters boycotting Israel - also known as the BDS campaign - talks with Hamas-affiliated media, Israel's comparison with South African apartheid and anti-Semitic imagery on the show.

It also refers to the sensitivity surrounding the site, which was used as a detention center for about 3,000 Jews before being deported to concentration camps in 1938.

Waters has not commented on the cancellation, but he re-shared the video of TikTok, a US journalist-Palestinian Ramzy Baroud who defended him with the designation "anti-racist".

"Thank you Ramzi! Tell them they're my brother," Waters said, with three Palestinian flag emojis and a pigeon. "Love R."

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