
JAKARTA - Sore, a band from Jakarta, will soon release their new album titled Quo Vadis, Sore? on February 10th. This album has the main slogan, 'Where are the leaves touched at night'.

The process of working on the fourth album This afternoon took quite a long time. For about two years, Ade Paloh (vocals and guitars), Awan Garnida (bass), and Bemby Gusti (drums) had difficulties because they were blocked by the pandemic.

"It's been hard frankly since 2019, it's started to make one song. Then suddenly the pandemic too, and actually in the pandemic one song has been made," Bemby said at a press conference in Jakarta, Wednesday.

Bemby also said that the fourth album was being worked on again because of Ade Paloh's invitation.

"At that time the song was stopped, but not long after, Ade suddenly finished watching the film Get Back of The Beatles, eh after that it was immediately productive again because Ade invited him," said the drummer.

After the album was completed, they asked for help from Hasief Ardiasyah to compose songs.

"So one night I was on Whatsapp, asked to compile a track list on this album. My definite consideration is that the number one order must be the most pleasing to hear from start to finish," said Hasief.

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