
JAKARTA - Today, 29 years ago, December 7, 1994, the Minister of Research and Technology of Indonesia (Menristek), Bacharuddin Jusuf (BJ) Habibie won the Edward Warner Award medal in Montreal, Canada. He received the medal on the initiative of the civil aviation organization formed by the United Nations, The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO).

Habibie is considered one of the best aerospace figures in the world. He was able to shine in Germany. In Indonesia let alone. His contribution is great for the Indonesian aerospace world. As a result, Habibie is remembered as the Father of Indonesian Technology.

Habibie and the world of aerospace are two things that cannot be separated. His actions in the world of aerospace often carry admiration. In fact, when Habibie was still abroad, Germany.

Habibie became one of the aerospace experts in Germany after college. He also chose to settle and work as Vice President Director of Technology, Messerchmidt-Bolkow-Blohm (MBB) in Hamburg, Germany. Habibie's flashy career also took off throughout the country.

The news of Habibie as the son of the nation who excelled on a world scale was known by President Suharto. Incidentally, Indonesia at that time was having a dream to build a world of aerospace. Habibie's presence was eagerly awaited.

Suharto sent Pertamina's official, Ibnu Sutowo, to bring Habibie back to Indonesia. Ibnu's mission in Germany was successful. Habibie wants to be persuaded to go home and work for Indonesia. He was also placed from Pertamina's new division, Advanced Technology and Aeronautical Tectology Division (ATTP), until he was appointed as Minister of Research and Technology by Suharto.

When talking, Ambassador Achmad Tirto mentioned Habibie's name, and explained about him. In fact, he told me that Habibie had applied, or wanted to apply to work in Indonesia. But who in Indonesia can accommodate people who have worked in MBB with such a large salary? That became the question of Ambassador Achmad Tirto.

"I've been thinking about gathering educated personnel for the development of Indonesia for a long time, especially for the institution I lead. I've even sent a number of personnel abroad to add education, so that later I'll participate in development in our country," recalled Ibnu Sutowo as written by Ramadhan KH in Ibnu Sutowo's book: It's Time for Me to Tell a Story! (2008).

Habibie's work in advancing the world of aerospace of Indonesia is gone. Especially when Habibie had the opportunity to head the Nusantara Aircraft Industry (IPTN) which later became known as PT. Dirgantara Indonesia.

There, Habibie proved that Indonesia can produce its own planes. A series of achievements made the world look at Habibie as a world aerospace figure. ICAO also invited Habibie to be awarded the Edward Warner Award. An award dedicated to world aerospace figures.

The award was obtained by the Minister of Research and Technology on December 7, 1994 in Montreal, Canada. The medal was handed over directly by ICAO Secretary General Philippe Rochat who was accompanied by the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Boutros Boutros Ghali.

"At that time, at 10.00 am Chicago time was the same as at 22.00 p.m. or 10.00 p.m. Eastern Indonesia time. 50 years ago, no one thought or thought that a child who was eight years old, at 10.00 p.m. was reading the Qur'an at Bugis's house from wood and bamboo on the edge of the forest, my refugee camp with my family and 50 years later received the highest award from ICAO," Habibie's story as written by A. Makmur Makka in Mr. Crack from Parepare (2017).

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