JAKARTA - Satine Zaneta expressed her feelings when she first read the script for the Devil's Horror Film: Derivative Sins. He admitted that he had doubts because this was a new experience for him.
"Actually at first, because this is something new, so reading time is like am I ready for this ?," said Satine Zaneta at the VOI office, Central Jakarta, Friday, March 21.
Not only facing challenges from a horror side, this film also requires it to perform action scenes that involve direct choreography.
"Because apart from the horror, he also has action that involves me having to go down directly to do the choreography," he continued.
Although he had doubts, Satine finally decided to accept the challenge.
"But mostly his feelings are more excited, because he reads the story fresh and new, different from the other horrors. So it's like let's just do it," he explained.
Meanwhile, Tommy Dewo, director of the Devil's Devils Derivative Film, explained that this film tries to present something different from the horror films that already exist.
"Actually, we're trying a formula that doesn't exist yet. Both from the assembly of the players, both from the story too," said Tommy Dewo.
He also added that the cast in this film is a new combination that has never played together before, bringing a fresh feel to the Indonesian horror film industry.
"You've never played before, you've played before, right. That's why we want to try an assembly that we've never seen in any other film," he said.
The Devil's Devils Devils Derivative Film is planned to air starting April 30 in cinemas throughout Indonesia.
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