YOGYAKARTA Often hungry when pregnant is a natural thing and most pregnant women experience. Even so, it is important to know how to deal with excessive hunger during pregnancy so that you can control it without having to reduce nutritional needs during pregnancy.
After passing the first trimester of pregnancy, pregnant women will naturally experience an increase in appetite. However, do not let pregnant women become fooled and carelessly eat food.
To control healthy weight during pregnancy, pregnant women can apply excessive hunger when pregnant. These tips can be carried out without having to cut the required nutrition.
Compiled from various sources, let's look at the following tips.
When hungry, pregnant women are advised to drink water first. Because, sometimes the body can mean thirst to become hungry. When pregnant, the body must also remain hydrated so that it requires more fluid than usual.
To meet the fluid needs during pregnancy, pregnant women need to drink at least 12-13 glasses per day. Apart from drinking water, pregnant women can also get liquid from fruit and vegetables rich in water, such as apples, oranges, urus and lettuce. Avoid consuming soda to prevent calorie and excess sugar intake.
Foods or drinks that are high in sugar can cause a jump in blood sugar which is followed by a rapid decline, making mothers quickly feel hungry again. Replace it with healthy snacks such as low-fat yogurt or fresh fruit.
Instead of eating three meals a day with a large portion, try eating in small portions but more often. This diet helps keep blood sugar levels stable and prevent sudden hunger.
High fiber foods such as vegetables, fruit, nuts, and seeds can help prolong fullness. Fiber is also good for digestion and prevent constipation that is common in pregnant women.
Protein plays an important role in maintaining a longer sense of fullness. Pregnant women can choose sources of healthy protein such as eggs, fish, unfated chicken, tofu, and tempeh.
Pregnant women are advised to choose fresh food ingredients rather than those that have been processed. Avoid buying ready-to-eat food, or large packaged foods containing high calories but low nutrients.
Pregnant women sometimes can't help but feel the desire to eat ready-to-eat food that tends to be sweet or full of carbohydrates, especially if they are tired or lazy to make food. In fact, this habit can make pregnant women reluctant to eat healthy foods.
To overcome this, pregnant women can consume practically healthy snacks such as fruits, nuts, healthy snack bars, or whole-grain bread mixed with avocado or peanut butter. The food has been confirmed to be high in nutrients and prolongs fullness.
That's information about how to deal with excessive hunger when pregnant. Get other selected news updates only on VOI.ID.
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