
JAKARTA - The film Rumah Untuk Alie, which was adapted from the best seller's novel of the same name by Lenn Liu, is ready to be shown in theaters after Lebaran, April 17. This Falcon Pictures film not only presents a heart-catching story, but also invites the public to be more concerned about the issue of bullying or bullying that is still rife.

For Alie's house tells the story of Alie, the youngest of five children and the only woman in her family. Supposedly, she got love, but instead became a victim of anger from her father and siblings over the death of their mother. Not only that, even at school Alie had to face bullying from her friends. However, behind all the wounds she suffered, both physically and emotionally, Alie kept hope to be accepted and loved by her family.

Falcon Pictures also released an online platform designed to provide space for the wider community to share their experiences regarding bullying. In addition, this website also provides consulting services with psychologists for those who want to find solutions or share stories about their bullying.

House For Alie is not just a film, but also a social movement to raise awareness about the impact of bullying. We hope that this film can be a reflection for many people and the platforms we present can help those who experience or watch bullying so they don't feel alone," said Falcon Pictures producer Frederica in a media statement, Thursday, March 20.

The film Rumah Untuk Alie stars Anantya Kirana as Alie, Rizky Hanggono, Tika Brahani, Dito Darmawan, Rafly Altama Putra, Andryan Didi, Faris Fadjar Munggaran, Sheila Kusnadi, and Ully Triani. The players also feel proud to be involved in this project.

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