JAKARTA - Drinking sugarless coffee or a mixture of other ingredients such as milk is recommended. This is because sugarless coffee has many benefits, one of which is rich in antioxidants.
However, when drinking coffee without sugar, it must be considered properly. Launching from the UK Express, there is actually no best time to drink coffee without sugar or bitter coffee.
Adapun adalah waktu yang dikomendasikan agar bisa mendapatan manfaat yang lebih besar saat mengundumkan kopi. Ahli dietati Anthony DiMarino, RD, LD mengatakan bahwa pukul 09.30 sampai 11.00 pagi merupakan waktu yang dikomendasikan untuk minum kopi petit.
This is because at that time the cortisol levels began to decline and a person would benefit the greatest from the caffeine effect. This will make people who drank coffee at that time more vigilant and focused on their activities.
In addition, drinking coffee before or at 12.00 p.m. is also said to help refresh your body. This will keep you from feeling lethargic in the afternoon.
Many of us feel lethargic or less productive after lunch. If napping is not possible, a cup of coffee can help you get through the rest of your day, "said DiMarino.
Regarding the amount of daily coffee consumption, it is recommended to no more than 400 milligrams of caffeine a day for adults. Pregnant women are advised to no more than 200 milligrams of caffeine a day. This includes caffeine that can be obtained from chocolate, tea, soda, to energy drinks.
However, everyone has a different response to caffeine. With that, one can determine for themselves when it is best for them to drink coffee and the amount that suits each body's abilities.
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