
JAKARTA - Preparations to enter a new year, namely 2025 must be done well, especially regarding finances. You must be able to manage your finances well to deal with various changes that may occur in the new year.

Launching from Concreit, on Monday, December 30, 2024, there are several ways to manage finances to prevent waste. Check out the method below that you can follow.

The main principle for obtaining financial security is to live according to your abilities. Don't be tempted to do or buy things beyond your financial ability.

It is better to allocate money beyond the cost of daily life into savings and investments for the future. This will make you feel more financially secure and avoid debt.

To gain better financial conditions in 2025, reduce expenses from the previous year. Try to buy the items you really need.

Don't follow other people's lifestyles or buy the latest stuff just because of the trend and other people buy it. Pay attention to what is most important to you and decide whether it is worth buying or not.

Developing a budget for 2025 is very important to prevent waste. This is because the budget is useful for managing income and expenses, reducing unnecessary things, so that you can finally achieve your financial goals.

The budget also helps show what makes money wasted carelessly. To make the budget not complicated, which can be done with a rule of 50/30/20 or 50 percent of the need, 30 percent of the desire, and 20 percent for savings or debt payments.

Saving money for emergency funds is also important. This can help to deal with emergency situations or unexpected financial problems.

With the emergency fund allowing you not to be in debt, spend savings, to deal with the emergency situation. Everyone's emergency funds are different, but most experts suggest having emergency funds of three to six months of your living expenses.

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