
JAKARTA - Within days will enter the long Christmas and New Year holidays. At this special moment, many people travel long trips to cities or countries to vacation or visit loved ones.

If traveling using long-distance air transportation or long flight, it often causes pain and pain in some parts of the body. This can certainly make the holidays uncomfortable, so prevention must be done before experiencing it. To prevent sore due to long flight, you can do some of these things, quoted from Orto & Physio, Sunday 15 December.

1. Do stretching and actively moving regularly

One of the most effective ways to keep air circulation smooth and prevent muscle performance during long flights is to do light stretching. Try to make simple movements occasionally such as turning hand and leg movements, shaking your shoulders, or stretching your arms.

If possible, you can also walk in the cabin aisle every 1 to 2 hours. Regularly moving can help reduce the risk of blood clots due to sitting too long.

2. Wear comfortable clothes

Wearing comfortable clothes during long flights is very important to do. Wear loose clothes, gentle, and can absorb sweat such as cotton and cotton, to stay comfortable during flight.

Avoid wearing clothes that have many buttons or shorts that limit space for movement and make it uncomfortable to sit for a long time. Too tight clothes should also be avoided because they can make muscle tense and sore.

3. Sufficient water needs

The aircraft's cabinet tends to have a low level of humidity, which can cause dehydration and exacerbate aches in the body. Therefore, it is highly recommended to drink enough water so that the body remains hydrated, so that muscles and joints feel more relaxed.

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