
JAKARTA - Celebrity Jessica Iskandar finally opened her voice regarding the birth of her third daughter with Vincent Verhaag, where she had experienced bleeding during childbirth. The woman who is familiarly called Jedar said that the birth process of her daughter was an extraordinary experience and was grateful to be able to get through it well.

"But despite all that, it was a beautiful and extraordinary experience and we are grateful that we have gone through it well, with a team that worked well together, a team of doctors, a team of midwives, a team of nurses, all of them, a hospital," said Jessica Iskandar in the Menteng area, Central Jakarta, Sunday, December 8.

Even so, this extraordinary experience actually left a sense of trauma for him. Until now, Jedar still feels a sense of fear and is recovering from it.

"At this time I am still traumatized, still afraid, still in the process of recovering," said Jessica Iskandar.

This feeling was also felt by Vincent Verhaag who felt that what his wife was going through was not something that was easy to forget.

"What happened to this wife is not something small. This is something that can be considered surprising," added Vincent Verhaag.

However, the couple again gave their gratitude because they could go through these critical times well and hoped it could become an unforgettable experience.

"It's just that usually things like this will be a beautiful memory, especially when we meet our baby, everything is paid off, everything is an extraordinary experience for both of us," he said.

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