
YOGYAKARTA - The ideal body shape is often associated with a slim and tall body. Although height is mostly influenced by genetic factors, daily habits, including sleeping positions, it can also play a role in supporting body growth. In this article, we will discuss how 3 sleeping positions to increase your height can help you reach the desired height.

High Determinant Factors

Reporting from Healthline, about 80 percent of a person's height is influenced by genetic factors. However, external factors such as nutrition, exercise, and healthy lifestyle also have a significant contribution. One of the habits that is often overlooked is sleeping position.

According to Sleeping Guide, although there is no really strong scientific evidence to confirm this claim, some people feel a positive difference in their height after applying certain sleeping positions. How did this happen?

While we are active throughout the day, the intervertebral disk or padding in the spine is compressed by gravity. When sleeping, these pads re-inflate, allowing the body to regenerate lost altitude. With the right sleeping position, this process can be optimized to help the body grow.

The following is a sleeping position that is believed to help increase height:

The position of teletang sleep, where the body faces up with a straight back, is one of the best positions to support height growth. This position keeps the spine aligned, reduces the risk of bowing, and allows the body to stretch naturally.

In order to make maximum results, make sure your legs are not bent and use pillows that are not too high to support your head. With this position, the body is in optimal condition to restore the height that was lost during daily activities.

Sleeping on your stomach, especially with faces facing pillows and straight bodies, can also support an increase in height. This position helps maintain the health of joints, waist, and knees.

However, this position requires caution. Use a thin pillow or even without a pillow to keep the neck parallel to the body. That way, this position can support maximum muscle and bone growth.

Sleeping in a oblique position, where the body sideways with straight legs, is a convenient and beneficial choice. This position helps stretch the body's muscles, especially in the back and hip areas, so they feel more relaxed.

To maintain its effectiveness, make sure the body remains parallel to the shoulders and hips as the main focus. Avoid bending legs so that the bone stretching process is more optimal.

Additional Tips To Support High Growth

So the conclusion is that achieving an ideal height requires efforts from various aspects, ranging from eating patterns to sleeping habits. By applying 3 sleeping positions to increase the mentioned height, you can support the natural regeneration process of the body. Who would have thought that Sleeping Positions Turn out to be Influence Welfare

Start by improving your sleep habits and combining it with other healthy lifestyles. With consistency, it's not impossible that you can feel a positive change in your height. Good luck!

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