
YOGYAKARTA Kidneys are one of the important organs in the human body. When the kidneys experience problems, the patient's life can be threatened. Therefore, people need to know the initial symptoms of the kidney having problems. The delay in detecting problems in the kidneys will lead to early-stage kidney failure.

Reporting from the National Kidney Foundation website, the most accurate way to detect kidney disorders is to undergo tests. However, there are several signs to watch out for, namely as follows.

The decline in kidney function can trigger toxins and dirt to accumulate in the blood. At that time it begins, sufferers will often feel tired until they find it difficult to concentrate. Symptoms can lead to anemia.

When the kidney filtering function does not function properly, the toxin in the blood will not be removed through urine. This condition can trigger difficulty sleeping.

Problems with the kidneys can have an impact on the skin. When the waste in the body fails to be disposed of, the skin will become dry and itchy. Even this sign can be a symptom of advanced kidney disease.

If you urinate too often at night, there is a possibility of problems with the kidney organs. These symptoms also occur in other health conditions such as urinary tract infection or prostate enlargement in men. To be sure, tests need to be done.

Healthy kidneys will store blood cells in the body. but when the kidney filter is damaged, blood cells can leak and come out through urine.

It is only natural that urine is inflated. However, if the amount is too large, then you need to be suspicious. It should be noted that the presence of foam in urine indicates that protein is no longer needed.

The swollen condition in the eye area can be triggered by kidney disease. This swelling occurs because the kidneys do not store protein in the body but instead throw it away in large quantities.

When the kidney function decreases, there will be sodium retention (garm) or excessive salt buildup. This condition triggers swelling in the leg and ankle area. However, these symptoms can indicate other health problems such as heart and liver disease.

Highly common symptoms of kidney patients are decreased appetite. This condition occurs due to pain caused by the buildup of poison because the kidneys do not function properly.

Electrolyte imbalance can occur due to impaired kidney function. Low calcium in the body and uncontrollable phosphorus can trigger muscle cramps.

Those are some of the initial symptoms of the problematic kidney. Visit to get other interesting information.

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