
YOGYAKARTA Did you know that the immune system for the immune system can decrease due to eating certain foods. When a bad food for the immune system is consumed excessively, you will experience symptoms such as not feeling well or other health problems.

Avoid foods that can interfere with immunity are important so that health is maintained, especially in weather like this. So what are these foods?

There are several food criteria that are able to weaken the immune system so that the immune resistance to bacteria and viruses weakens. The type of food that triggers weak immunity is as follows.

Eating foods with high sugar content can actually weaken immunity. This happens because sugar affects the level of effectiveness of white blood cells resistance to viruses and bacteria. In addition, high sugar foods can also trigger inflammation. Examples of high sugar foods that cause decrease in immunity are cakes, candy, biscuits, and so on.

When you eat a high food of salt levels, it triggers inflammation to increase the risk of autoimmune diseases. In addition, high salt in the body will inhibit the immune function to suppress the body's response to anti-inflammatory. Therefore, you are required not to consume too much salt so that your immune system is maintained properly.

Fried foods also have great potential to weaken the body's immune system. This condition gets worse if the consumption of fried foods is not limited. Because fried food triggers inflammation and damage to the body's cells. Some foods that accelerate inflammation are French fries, chicken, and so on.

Not everything that is fast is good, including fast food or fast food. This type of food is actually able to interfere with the body's immunity if it is consumed too often. Fast food not only triggers inflammation in the body but also makes bacteria in the intestines out of balance. This condition certainly triggers a decrease in immunity.

In addition to fast food, instant food also contributes to decreased immunity. The food in question is such as instant noodles, canned foods with high sodium, to other instant foods that contain preservatives. Even canned food is considered quite dangerous because it contains Bisphenol A (BPA) in aluminum packaging which has the potential to dissolve in food to trigger decreased immunity. You can eat instant foods but of course with certain limitations.

When cooking food, it is recommended to do it to the perfect ripe. The reason is, cooking less mature food has the potential to trigger a decrease in the immune system.

That's bad food-related information for the immune system. Visit VOI.ID to get other interesting information.

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