
YOGYAKARTA Kidneys are organs of the body that function to filter toxic compounds from the blood. Because of this function, this organ has the potential to experience leakage, especially if the body is often exposed to chemicals or drugs that are nephrotoxic. So, what happens if the kidneys leak?

Before answering the question, it's a good idea to know what a leaky kidney is and the cause.

Understanding Leaking Kidneys

According to the Cleveland Clinic, a leaky kidney aka nephrotic syndrome is a condition in which the kidneys release excessive amounts of protein (proteinuria) into urine.

Under normal conditions, the amount of protein contained in the urine is less than 150 mg in 24 hours. Meanwhile, in kidney patients leak, the content of protein in the urine can reach 3000 mg or more for 24 hours.

When the kidneys experience confusion, the substances needed by the body will be wasted through urine. This is what makes protein levels in urine high.

Causes of Leaking Kidneys

There are a number of medical conditions that cause a person to experience nephrotic syndrome or leaky kidneys, including:

If the kidneys are damaged or leakage, at least there are some symptoms that may arise, including:

In addition to some of the above symptoms, a person who has kidney damage also has the potential to experience the following symptoms:

For information, kidney disease leaks often asymptomatic. Some cases of kidney leaks have only been detected when doctors conduct urine tests in routine health checks.

To detect kidney leaks, it is recommended to periodically check yourself with a doctor, especially if you have kidney symptoms leaked above.

That's information about what happens if the kidneys leak. Hopefully this article can add insight to the loyal readers of VOI.ID.

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