
YOGYAKARTA Did you know that a person can lack hemoglobin for various reasons. This condition can trigger health problems in the body. To prevent this, you can eat food to increase hemoglobin.

Quoted from AI Care, hemoglobin (Hb) is a protein present in red blood cells. The hemoglobin function is to distribute oxygen from the lungs to all parts of the body. The importance of hemoglobin embedding the existence of this protein is quite important. If it is not fulfilled then trigger problems including problems in the heart.

Improving hemoglobin levels can indeed be done by consuming certain foods. Then what types of food that help add hemoglobin in the body?

You can increase the level of hemoglobin in the body by consuming beef and beef jeroan. Each 100 grams of ground beef has 2.7 mg of iron which can help increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood. In addition, this food contains folic acid which is involved in the production of hemoglobin in the body.

Meanwhile, cow jeroans such as the heart, kidneys, liver, and even the cow's brain are also important sources of food to add Hb in the blood. In 100 grams the cow's liver contains 6.5 mg of iron. However, don't consume too much cow jeroan. You can eat jeroan only a few times a week.

For beef, on the University of New Mexico Hospital website, it is said that people are recommended to eat small proportions per day.

Apart from beef, you can increase Hb levels in the blood with chicken meat, especially thighs or chest. Chicken meat is known to contain iron. You can eat chicken meat every day with a measurable portion. In addition, the processing of chicken meat must also be cooked.

Chicken eggs can also help produce red blood cells that help prevent anemia. Chicken eggs contain various vitamins including A and protein.

Seafoods, especially shells, shrimp, and tuna also contain iron to add blood Hb. Each portion of the shell contains 3 mg of iron. While 85 grams of tuna contains 1.4 mg of iron. However, you also have to consume a fair amount of seafood.

Not only animal foods, you can increase Hb levels in the blood with plant foods, especially tofu. In 100 grams you know it contains 2.66 mg of iron. In addition, there are other substances such as minerals, selenium, calcium, and magnesium.

Vitamin C contained in vegetables and fruit helps absorb iron to the maximum. In addition, vitamin C also helps add iron that can be used to increase Hb in the blood. Some vegetables that can add Hb in the blood such as spinach, broccoli, carrots, tomatoes, peppers, and even chilies.

That's information related to food to increase hemoglobin. Visit VOI.ID to get other interesting information.

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