JAKARTA - The key to healthy hair is healthy skin, so try to think that the skin is an extension of the skin care routine you usually do.
Just like body skin and facial skin, the facial skin also takes all the same steps to look healthy and luminous, such as cleaning, moisturizing, and peeling of the skin for each time. Exposure of the skin is able to remove dirt, oil, and dirt that may cause problems.
But specifically for the scalp, exfoliation tends to be more difficult than facial or skin skin on other parts of the body. Exfoliation in the scalp is indeed more difficult because there are many things to consider, such as the type of hair, the problems that are experiencing the facial skin (such as drought, ketombe, or acne) and the types of products needed.
Certified triologist for BosleyMD, warung Friese, said the exfoliation of the scalp is the process of cleaning the scalp to remove dry, peeling, buildup of products and dirt. One of the greatest benefits of exfoliating the scalp is to help increase healthy hair growth.
"Exfoliation of the scalp helps create a healthy environment for hair to grow by cleaning up anything that might clog or block the follicles," explained Friese as quoted by the RealSimple page, Thursday, October 26.
It also helps eliminate buildup caused by products and helps with skin problems such as oil, drought, or skin problems that are peeling down to ketombe.
"You can chemically exfoliate the scalp, with tools, and even scrubs from natural ingredients to help remove dead skin cells on the surface that contribute to itching, limp and excess oil production," Friede said.
Penny James, a certified triologist at Penny James Salon, says exfoliation of the scalp can also be done by massaging the area, which not only feels amazing, but also helps loosen the tense muscles and release stress, and in turn, encourages healthy hair growth.
So how to exfoliate the correct scalp?
According to Friese, the first thing to know is how often the exfoliation of the scalp needs to be done. The frequency of exfoliation in the scalp says Friese depends on each condition of the scalp, but a good rule of practicality is to start with once a week.
"Exfoliation of the scalp can be increased to twice a week if you are someone who has a skin problem such as oily, drought and bety," said Friese.
In addition, exfoliation twice a week can also be done if in that week many hair products are used or the scalp sweats more because of exercise, so you want to keep your scalp clean and fresh.
But be careful, don't overdo it because it can cause irritation, itching, or worsen the condition of the previous facial skin. The next step for removing the scalp is to choose the exfoliation method.
"Physical peeling will require a scrubbing action and it's easy to do in the bathroom," said Friese.
Oral skin peeling is usually done on wet hair that has just been shampooed. After combing and separating the hair, you can apply a hair-specific scrub with the tips of your finger and then massage slowly with a twisting motion. You can also use gloves designed for skin peeling. If you use physical exfoliant, brushing with a gentle circular motion can help.
You can also use tools, such as wet brushes, James said. When doing so, he recommends applying the product to the scalp and using tools to massage the formula to your head.
"This is a great way to distribute products throughout the body and give you extraordinary massages to your scalp," said James.
After that, rinse the exfoliated ingredients until they are clean and continue with the conditioner. Meanwhile, chemical exfoliation appears more practical because it only needs to use the product and apply it to the entire skin of the head, then sit for five to 10 minutes before washing your hair with shampoo and conditioner.
If you have extra time, you can try this method to see if it works better for you and your scalp. If in doubt, always read instructions on product packaging for recommended app methods.
Another way to exfoliate the scalp is to massage the scalp while washing the hair. Although it is not entirely effective, such as using a special tool or product for exfoliating the scalp, this method is classified as safe and quite effective to remove oil from the scalp.
However, exfoliation of the scalp should not be carried out more than twice a week. Meanwhile, hair washing should not be done every day. Because washing hair too often and exfoliating can remove oil from the scalp.
In addition, excessive exfoliation can cause the scalp to be shocked and produce oil excessively. As a result, the condition of the scalp will not improve but will get worse.
In some cases, exfoliation of the scalp can make the scalp feel more sensitive. As a solution, you can spray sunscreen specifically formulated for hair to protect it from damage from sunlight and reduce sensitivity.
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