
JAKARTA - Raffi Ahmad's eldest son, Rafathar Malik Ahmad, recently experienced an unpleasant incident. Rafathar was known to have been beaten by his schoolmate.

Seeing this, as an aunt, Nisya Ahmad reacted casually. According to him, this incident usually happens to children his nephew's age.

"Usually, yes, school children like to have an incident, what incident, their name is also a boy, meaning they weren't really hit. I haven't heard the details either," said Nisya Ahmad when met in the South Jakarta area, Thursday, September 7.

Even though she hasn't heard the full story yet, Nisya is quite surprised when she finds out about the incident. For him this is a process for children in solving problems.

"Yes, sure. Just be surprised. Especially me. I've also had a fight with my children at school, but yes, that's usually what's important, it's a process for children to solve problems," he continued.

This 32-year-old woman told of a similar incident that had happened to her child. He admitted that at that time to solve the problem, he communicated with the school and gave understanding to his son.

"If it was for me at that time, I would have communicated with the teacher asking his son, why did he do that, given understanding, because he said 'about the friend first', so we gave him understanding. But indeed, if a boy must be able to protect himself," he said.

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