
JAKARTA - A writer and researcher who studied about humans living a long life in a number of countries of the Blue Zone, and Buettner, revealed the four habits of humans that caused them to live longer, the Times of India reported on Tuesday.

The Blue Zones is the Quest Network project, Inc, which studies areas in the world where the population lives longer and is healthy. Scientists classify these places based on the ability of the population to live longer than any other population in the world.

The five Blue Zones that have been found are Okinawa (Japan), Loma Linda (California, USA), Peninsula Nicoya (Kosta Rika), Ikaria (Yunani), to Sardinia (Italy), where humans were found in a mountain village living at the age of 100 years.

No matter how small our daily habits are, it turns out that we really play a big role in determining our health, happiness, and even life span. This includes how we choose to spend the morning, afternoon, afternoon, and even evening. Here are four night habits of the Blue Zone:

1. Maintain a consistent sleep schedule

Having a consistent sleep schedule, which involves sleeping and waking up at the same time every day, can actually help someone live longer.

2. Full night's sleep

According to the Blue Zone, if someone wants a long life, they have to sleep about 8 to 10 hours every night to help revitalize the brain and body. Sufficient sleep will increase brain function, immunity, and energy levels.

3. Take relaxation time

Spending time to relax can give the mind and body a much-needed rest after activities throughout the day. How to do it varies from person to person, and from one Blue Zone to another.

Ikaria people (Yunani) relax by nap, the Sardinians (Italy) go to bars or cafes, and the Okinawa (Japan) take a moment to respect their ancestors. We can take ideas from them or make our own rituals to relax at night. Go for a walk, read a book, or drink a cup of warm tea. Spend time by yourself to relax, so it doesn't bring stress to the bed.

4. Can't snack late at night

Diets also play a key role in influencing longevity. When it comes to the night's routine, people who live in the Blue Zone usually eat small portions of dinner and avoid all kinds of late-night snacking. Eating closely also improves their relationship with food, and helps them maintain a healthy body weight. It's ideal for a big breakfast or lunch, and keeps the dinner portion small.

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