
JAKARTA - Conflict is inevitable in every relationship. From financial problems to the use of social media, problems can arise. And whether or not a relationship depends on how the conflict is resolved for a long time. Recognizing the topic of quarrels that are common in helping you and your partner find solutions together to maintain harmony in a relationship.

Here are three classic problems in love relationships and strategies to solve them effectively.

A study published by Family Relations found that although it only contributed 19 percent of the relationship conflicts, arguments about finance were "more memorable, problematic, and repeated" when compared to other problems. These conflicts also tend to be unresolved, despite the many efforts to solve the problem. The most likely reason why money is often a problem is because money is closely related to feelings of personal strength and independence.

A recent study published in the Journal of Consumer Research suggested a solution related to financial problems. The study recommends that couples combine their finances to minimize quarrels.

Combining money into a shared account creates a sense of togetherness and removes the term 'your money' and'my money'. In addition, this transparency allows you and your partner to better understand each other's priorities and harmonize financial goals.

Sexual intimacy plays an important role in many romantic relationships. Differences in desire and need can often lead to dissatisfaction and dispute.

For example, a recent study published in the journal Psychology and Sexuality shows that heterosexual men, who strongly adhere to traditional gender role beliefs and support stereotypes about male sexuality. More likely to engage in sexual compliance, which involves sexual activity of consensual but undesirable.

This can happen when a person is involved in sexual acts for altruistic reasons, such as meeting the needs of his partner or to respect relationship norms.

To neutralize arguments stemming from sexual dissatisfaction, research published in the Sexual and Relationship Therapy shows that couples who have conscious sex and have good sexual communication can increase happiness and meaning in their sex life.

Distribution of household chores can cause conflicts between partners due to a sense of imbalance in responsibility and differences in standards of cleanliness. One couple may feel burdened by the workload, because others contribute less. This can lead to an unfair and disappointed feeling.

One study published in the Archives of Sexual Behavior states that unequal distribution of household chores can lead to a low sexual desire in women.

To overcome this problem, research suggests couples identify the location of the inequality they feel and find ways to make changes that provide more support to your partner. Then, tell your partner that you want to find ways to ease the burden at home. Lastly, the form of teamwork. By showing your commitment to sharing domestic tasks, you will experience an increase in your relationship, including sex life.

An example, a study published in the Journal of Family Psychology revealed that when male couples began to make fair contributions to household chores, sexual intercourse was more common and the two partners experienced higher sexual satisfaction.

Conflict is a natural part in every relationship. Understanding the fundamental reasons behind it can guide you finding a solution. When disagreements arise, remember to approach your partner with empathy, listen to each other, and openly find compromise.

Also, keep in mind that this is not about avoiding conflict at all. But how you and your partner deal with it for the sake of achieving success in relationships, reported by Psychology Today, Tuesday, August 15.

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