
YOGYAKARTA One of the habits that travelers often do before starting a trip by airplane is enjoying a cup of hot coffee at the airport. The caffeine content contained in coffee can relieve drowsiness and increase adrenaline so that the body feels more energetic. However, did you know that drinking coffee before boarding the plane could interfere with travel?

Summarized from various sources, here are some health problems that you may feel if you drink coffee before boarding the plane.

Quoting the Times of India, drinking coffee before boarding a plane can interfere with travel because it can cause digestive problems.

A cup of hot coffee can indeed make you feel more energetic for a while. However, caffeine intake often causes the stomach to get started. Especially if someone drinks coffee in an empty stomach, it is certain that your journey will be very painful.

In addition, diuretic caffeine can also make you dehydrated. And dehydration can trigger dizziness and nausea.

Therefore, avoid drinking coffee before flying, especially concentrated black coffee. If you can't leave the house without being armed with caffeine, then eat a small breakfast menu first, then smoke your favorite coffee.

Quoted from the Mirror page, Sarah totaling, a flight attendant who works for Virgin Australia, advised passengers not to drink coffee before boarding the plane.

Sarah said caffeinated drinks in any form are a bad thing for passengers who are easily nervous.

"Before boarding the plane, try not to consume anything related to caffeine. Because it can increase your anxiety and make you more nervous and nervous," said Sarah.

Drinking caffeinated flowers such as coffee, Red Bull, and Buckfast during flights, the effect is similar after drinking alcoholic beverages.

The effects of dehydration caused by caffeine can cause more drinking and have the potential to go back and forth to the toilet.

However, for many people the risk of such a disease and the frequency to the toilet increases will be a small price to pay for a delicious cup of coffee.

Adapting Bestlife, drinking coffee before flying brings some negative impacts on the body. One of them is on the skin.

Gabrielle Richens, a skin nutritionist and founder of The Rick Skin Club, said that caffeine in coffee can suppress the body's antidiouretic hormones so that Ada will urinate more often.

If this happens, the skin moisture will decrease and the skin will dry up. Not to mention added that you will be in the airplane cabin for hours, where conditions in the cabin will usually be cold but very dry.

This situation will make your skin condition even more miserable. Drought in the skin can cause itching, scaly skin, panda eyes, and the appearance of more pronounced wrinkles.

That's the information about the impact of drinking coffee before boarding the plane. Hopefully this article can add insight to the loyal readers of VOI.ID.

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