
YOGYAKARTA Chef Marinka, also known as Rinrin Marinka, is considered sexy by the public even though he doesn't wear mini clothes. The Chef who pursues this French cooking style, admits that he doesn't mean to be sexy. But in the past, he considered it a compliment but sometimes it was as bad as people thought about his appearance. Currently, he takes his positives from people's opinions or assumptions.

The beautiful Chef, who is expanding her pleasure, including traveling, is married to the Dutch man, Peter Lufting, in 2020. Take a peek at the beautiful and stunning portrait of chef Marinka below.

Launching Marinka's statement, he considers marriage not to solve problems but as a new chapter in life. He added that in a talk session with Alvin, it was broadcast on Alvin in LOVE's YouTube account, Marinka likes to fight for something in every phase of life.

Marinka married at the age of 40, this was widely responded to by the public because marriage was not at the ideal age according to the people in Indonesia. In fact, he said that he had been considered a queue or not selling well.

Chef, who once played a character in the Bunian film, which was released in 2004, admitted that before marriage he had to be happy with himself first. Then again... we have to be happy first, and my husband is a bonus in my life. If I have a child, is a bonus in my life. But without that bonus I can live...and I'm happy.

Marinka intends to reveal that a person needs to be happy with himself before finding a mooring or a partner. That way, a person does not burden his partner with his past.

Currently, Marinka plans to expand its business and profession into a lifestyle. Not only being a chef, but also related to lifestyle

There is no doubt that Marinka's skills as a cook. Apart from being qualified as a judge for Indonesian Master Chef, he also pursued a number of cooking styles. Including French cuisine, passenger, fusion dishes, and Asian cuisine.

Now, chef Marinka is also pursuing a baking made from natural, organic, and gluten free. Marinka used to go to cooking school at Le Cordon Bleu, Sydney. He said, after graduating from school, he could not immediately become a chef. Must have experience first and assume that after culinary school not only can you be a chef, but it can also be like Marinka, writing a book

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