
YOGYAKARTA The beauty contest has been widely discussed lately. The reason is, it is widely reported that there are allegations of sexual harassment cases against contestants, one of the beauty pageants where the winner of this event will represent Indonesia to an international celebration, Miss Universe. Called Miss Universe Indonesia (MIUD), the national event was held on Thursday, August 3 last week. So, what is the difference between Miss Universe Indonesia and Puteri Indonesia? This is a difference that you must know about the two beauty pageants.

Miss Universe Indonesia was only held this year. The organizer was only founded in February 2023 under the parent organization PT Capella Swastika Karya owned by Poppy Capella. Unlike Puteri Indonesia under the Puteri Indonesia Foundation (YPI), it was founded in 1992 which was initiated by Mooryati Soedibyo.

The finalists of the Miss Universe Indonesia beauty pageant will be chosen by the winner. Then the winner represented the Miss Universe international beauty pageant. The license sent the winner representing the Miss Universe international, formerly held by the Puteri Indonesia Foundation.

The Puteri Indonesia Foundation, since 2006, has added the winning category. Initially, since the establishment, many have chosen one winner of Puteri Indonesia. In the 11th year, adding the winning title, namely Puteri Indonesia Lingkungan, Puteri Indonesia Tourism. Having entered the Puteri Peace title four times in 2012-2018. This year, the winner of the Puteri Indonesia category is Farhana Nariswari Wisandana from West Java I, Puteri Lingkungan Indonesia is Yasinta Aurellia from East Java, and Puteri Indonesia Tourism is Lulu Zaharani Krisna Widodo from Lampung.

Miss Universe Indonesia, chose three lists of winners with the title of Winner, Runner-up, and Semifinalist. In its first year, 2023, it chose Fabienne Nicole Groeneveld from DKI Jakarta as the winner of Miss Universe Indonesia who will compete in the international Miss Universe beauty pageant.

As explained above, the winner of the Miss Universe Indonesia event will take a number of tests to the international Miss Universe pageant. The main focus of Miss Universe Indonesia, namely uniformity and centralized programs, is to be integrated globally. With the focus on vision, it is hoped that there will be distribution uniformity and can be implemented effectively.

The winner of the Puteri Indonesia category will represent Indonesia at the Miss International event. Meanwhile, Puteri Indonesia Tourism represents Miss Charm, and Puteri Indonesia Lingkungan represents Miss Supranational.

Both beauty pageants, Miss Universe Indonesia and Puteri Indonesia, hold their respective licenses according to their goals and focus. In addition to beauty pageants, Puteri Indonesia also carries out social and environmental tasks. Including social service, support for the environment, and campaigns related to health and beauty products. Miss Universe Indonesia, has a mission to provide tools for women to become their best and inspire and play an active role.

Those are the four differences between Miss Universe Indonesia and Puteri Indonesia that you need to know.

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