
YOGYAKARTA Even though she is no longer young, Sophia Latjuba still looks fit and fit. Many netizens think that this woman from Germany-Bugis-Java is beautiful and never dim. Sophia herself also often shares the secret of her fitness, namely training and yoga.

Today, Tuesday, August 8, Sophia Latjuba repeated her birthday 53 years ago. The artist who started her career in the 80s, until the day two years ago still plays a character in the film. Take a peek below the beautiful portrait of Sophia Latjuba who is never dim at the age of five.

Through the IGStory, many of Sophia's close relatives and friends sent a happy birthday. On her social media page, Sophia uploaded three portraits posing on the edge of the bed wearing colored clothes in contrast to her skin.

In the description column, Sophia wrote that she was grateful for an amazing year. That year, according to Eva Celia's mother, has learned acceptance, goals, strength, wisdom, and grace.

Getting older, Sophia admitted that it was time to level up. A series of comments columns provide greetings accompanied by prayers to stay healthy, prosperous, and happy.

Through the life experience of more than half a century, Sophia wrote excerpts of soft words in English. He wrote that every experience that is difficult to bring strength even though it hurts. That way it will grow and be strong like light in the dark.

A healthy lifestyle seems to be Sophia's choice. According to Sophia, yoga is a tool for be present, gentle, and happy. By practicing yoga every day, he feels happy and feels his daily life now.

Sophia Latjuba was born in West Germany and lives with her mother. Her father is from South Sulawesi, Indonesia. Entering her teenage age, Sophia visited her father and decided to stay in Indonesia since stepping into a model and film star.

Sophia Latjuba's first film debut in 1987, Little Regret. Starring in the film, Sophia just sat in High School. In 1998, starring in the film Kuldesak by her sister-in-law, Mira Lesmana. Age is certainty, but it seems that efforts to stay in shape, be beautiful, and sexy can be pursued as long as they are consistent like Sophia Latjuba.

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