YOGYAKARTA The spectrum in adults is often not realized. However, it is actually related to losing calm. According to professors of behavioral science, clinicalism, and bookwriters, Kristen Lee, Ed.D., LISCW., by recognizing the causes that make you tantrum, it can help encourage positive changes. So, here is a list of causes of tantrums in adults.
Like panic attacks and nervousness, anxiety is aggressive behavior. If tantrums due to anxiety are not treated immediately, a person can get caught in the cycle of outburst of anger and shame.
Every emotion needs to be handled properly. If it is not handled and accumulated it can explode one time. Explosive behavior can be reduced by studying the skills of talking to yourself which helps us call emotions difficult and overcome them before stacking and exploding.
The ability to speak to yourself can also affect how to communicate a person becomes more positive. Skilly communicating positively, we can learn to increase tolerance for pressure and adapt more easily.
There are times when it is necessary to pause for a moment to reprocess anxiety, anxiety, and fear. By taking a break, we can find opportunities to heal, empathize, and overcome problems that make us run out of mind.
Every habit needs to be regulated appropriately. If you are sleep deprived, your diet is bad, your nutrition is lacking, and you never exercise, it can lead to disregulation of healthy habits and cause frustration, boredom, and destruction. Disregulation also causes tantrums in adults. So Lee recommends holding basic principles in protecting yourself so that emotions can also be regulated properly.
External things can also cause tantrums in adults. For example, misinformation because it is flooded with misinformation. Launching Psychology Today, Thursday, July 13, Lee in this point highlights the information accessed with smart devices and is toxic. This can shake you and ignore the basic good of humans.
Not everything can be controlled, including social structures that are beyond our reach. Social structures can improve a person's elitist behavior. In the same situation, society can glorify essential workers but can also treat us very badly. Lee highlighted the structure of caste or classes that turned out to also contribute to shaping our emotions.
When emotions are peaking, constant changes can trigger tantrums in adults. However, there are many right ways to manage emotions. Not not not expressing it and harboring meetings, but can be passed positively so as not to destroy the greater circle of relations.
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