
YOGYAKARTA Recently, the community was shocked by the murder case of 7 babies resulting from an investigation between a father and his biological child in Banyumas, Central Java. Apart from this case, the public must know that access is a sexual relationship committed by two people who have close blood relations. Then what are the dangers of inses?

In the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI), access is defined as marriage or sexual relations by two siblings who violate customs, law, law, and religious norms.

On the official website of Komnas HAM, access is a relationship carried out by family members, both of whom have blood relations or are referred to as Contribution relations. In Indonesia, this relationship is considered a sexual crime. Then, what are the dangers of recess?

The danger of inses in general can be felt by both perpetrators and descendants as a result of blood relations. The negative impact of the recess is as follows.

Inbreeding is carried out on the basis of coercion that has the potential to cause sexual aversion disorders. Quoted from AI Care, sexual aversion disorders are extreme reluctance accompanied by avoidance of sexual contact with their own partner. The cause of this sexual harassment is quite diverse but most generally due to sexual trauma such as rape and access.

Sexual aversion disorders that occur due to sexual violence are also varied, one of which is that victims will be reluctant or avoid sexual contact, even at extreme levels victims do not want to hold hands with their partners for fear of sexual interaction.

Pregnancy that occurs due to incession will increase the risk of genetic diseases possessed by the perpetrators. The risk will be even greater in the pregnancy of inses carried out by two siblings, especially the transmission of recession. Examples of recession are characteristic fibrosis and jickle anemia cells, which are diseases that have an impact on damage or defects to red blood cells.

Incess has the potential to cause albinism in babies. This condition is often referred to as an albino. Descendants who experience albino will have bright eye color, pale white skin and hair even though their parents have dark skin color.

Babies resulting from incessional relations are also at great risk of birth and defects. In fact, it is often that babies with inses will suffer premature deaths before or after birth. In some cases, there is also a mental disorder in the baby so that communication and behavior deviate. Some infant defects resulting from inbreeding are as follows.

The baby's immune system resulting from sexual inbreeding is also weaker than the baby resulting from a non-incessian relationship. This happens because of the poor DNA variation. Normally, the DNA of parents who do not have a close blood relationship will produce a baby with good immunity. This is the opposite effect on baby inses.

Inbreeding sexual relations will also have an impact on the low IQ in infants. Children will find it difficult to interact with society, even with their own parents.

That's information related to the dangers of access. Visit VOI.ID to get other interesting information.

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